Anna Avalanche and Friends Style blog describe Second Life virtual world and Real Life information. Here you can find news, tips and entertainment for your real life (RL) and second life (SL). I would like also to invite you not only to read, comment but also help sending information about your real or second life.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Autism and ASA by Brett Stand
Autism is a severe developmental disability which is usually diagnosed around the age of three; although children are being increasingly diagnosed at a younger age. Autism results from a neurological disorder which interferes with brain development; primarily in the parts of the brain that control perception, verbal communication and social interaction.
However, the situation is even more complex than that. Autism is what's considered a spectrum disorder. In fact, an acronym often used to identify autism is ASD ... for Autism Spectrum Disorder. And what that means is that there are ASD individuals spread out over a broad spectrum: from individuals profoundly affected with little or no independent life skills and extremely limited communication ability to those who are seemingly "mildly" affected and function more or less effectively in society. This other segment may have jobs, sometimes even careers requiring advanced education, such as engineering. Some go on to get married and raise families.
The higher end of the spectrum is often referred to as Asperger’s Syndrome, a higher functioning form of autism which was first identified by Dr Hans Asperger. Many people with this type of autism present as being "mildly" effected by autism and may function within society with various degrees of success. You will note that I place the term "mildly" within quotes. I do this to indicate that no form of autism should be considered mild and in fact the condition has a profound impact on every individual on the spectrum.
Some experts consider Asperger’s Syndrome to be so significantly different from other forms of autism that it may in fact be a syndrome separate from autism and may be the result of completely different causes. So the term autism is a very broad catch term for a very complex syndrome. Each individual on the autism spectrum is unique in his or her own way. We have a saying in the autism community: “If you’ve met one person with autism … you’ve met one person with autism.”
Unfortunately what causes autism is still a matter of scientific mystery, and quite frankly controversy. Experts have many theories, but no real conclusive understanding of what causes autism. It is generally agreed there is a genetic component to autism; witness the families in which autism appears to run through generations and involve siblings. While it appears that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism, researchers have not yet identified the gene(s) which causes autism to develop in a particular child.
There is also evidence that there are environmental factors, such as the chemicals we encounter in daily living and in the medications given to children. We live in an age where many chemicals, for example the chemicals used in agricultural pesticides, are more prevalent today than they were in previous generations.
It is interesting to note that because of the wide spectrum nature of the disorder, some researchers feel there may actually be different causes of autism which result in different presentations of autism.
I joined the real life Autism Society of America (ASA) after my son was diagnosed with autism. Being a typical dad I wanted to "fix" what was wrong with my son. I learned later this is a very common reaction on the part of fathers. We are accustomed to fixing things when they are broken. So we incorrectly, but well meaning, believe this approach also applies to our children.
Not too long ago I read an article about Second Life in a local newspaper. It made me curious so I checked it out. I was completely overwhelmed and totally unprepared for what I found in SL. When I entered SL I was naturally curious about autism groups in SL. So I searched under autism and found many fine groups already involved in providing support to folks in SL. Because I have been involved with ASA in RL for so long, and have held various leadership positions, I am very familiar with the resources that ASA can offer. I thought it was a natural response to try to bring those resources into SL.
To date I have been pleasantly surprised to discover that ASA's mission and purpose resonates with so many people in SL. The combination of ASA's grass roots structure and its long history of providing support to families like mine make it an extremely viable vehicle for delivering that same support here in SL. I think the ASA can make a real difference in people’s lives and provide much needed support.
It wasn’t that long ago that documented cases of autism occurred at the rate of 1 in 10,000 births. The prevalence of autism has grown so dramatically that today the incidence rate is 1 in 150 births. What that means in very concrete terms is that if you don't know someone with autism today … you will tomorrow.
These numbers are staggering … frightening actually. Especially since we don't even know what causes autism. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability, growing at the rate of 10 – 17% annually. And it is estimated that 1 to 1.5 million Americans have some form of autism today. If this growth rate is continues unabated, this number could very easily double within the next decade.
One of the interesting aspects of ASA-SL is the number of people on the spectrum in SL. To date the numbers I have encountered have been relatively low, compared to the numbers I presume are actually active in SL. But that is most likely a function of getting the word out, and is quite frankly a situation we hope to remedy. That is, although autism support groups have been around for decades, historically they primarily existed to support families with ASD children; and predominantly young children at that. The autism community as a whole has not done a very good job of supporting adults with autism. There are a number of reasons for this phenomenon ... some good and some not so good.
Regarding what we know about people with autism in SL, that is a very interesting situation. The nature of SL is that many of the challenges found in social interaction are simply eliminated or at least minimized in this environment. For example, the issues of eye contact, body language, verbal communication processing, all of which may present challenges for people on the autism spectrum, are all essentially eliminated in favor of a semi-anonymous environment in which users can manage their interaction in a manner more comfortable for them. And if the interaction becomes too stressful, it is a simple matter to TP out of the situation or even log off. So in many ways SL is the ideal environment for people with high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger’s Syndrome.
To anyone who feels the United States is populated by selfish, self-centered and apathetic people, I would say get involved in the world of non-profit work, especially in the health fields. There are literally thousands of people who give selflessly of their time, energy and resources to help their communities. I am truly honored and humbled to be able to associate with these amazing people. It is a world one can not imagine unless you have actually been involved with it as I have.
I would like to express how humbled I am to have the experience and the opportunity to work with so many generous and selfless people in SL. There are many worthy non-profit organizations in both RL and SL and ASA is only one of them. All the non-profit organizations perform vital functions that so many people rely on just to get through their daily lives. I am truly honored and quite frankly overwhelmed by the response that ASA has received in SL. The generosity of people and their willingness ... in fact, their desire... to get involved and make a real difference in their community is something that never fails to amaze me. I know why I am involved with autism ... because of my son. But there are countless others who choose to get involved and for the simple reason that they want to share their resources, their talents and quite frankly their desire to serve a higher purpose by helping those who need our compassion. It is impossible to exaggerate my admiration for the people who roll up their sleeves and pitch in when they are needed.
Source: Brett Stand ASA Second Life president
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bid for a Model Pictures
I want to make especial thank to LiamL Darwin and Kram Sadofsky. Kram not only bid me but also more 12 beautiful models. He was fortunate to win 13 beautiful models during the Autism Auction.
Liam was the higher bidder. He donated more than 32,900 L!! The bid for a model fundraiser was important because it held the potential to raise a lot of money for Autism in a very short time. Mr Darwin told me he was honored to be able to be a small part in this very successful fundraiser. The models have given so much of their time, offering the 2 hour date, plus contacting friends and others to generate bids for such an important cause, he said.
First of all, Darwin was glad to be able to contribute, and honored to have played a part in making the winning model the top fundraiser in this event. Darwin bid Saffire Jaxxon and on his own words; “Saffire has a wonderful heart and when she's going to help a cause such as autism, she's always willing to go for it. She's a genuinely caring individual, and I'm honored to have been a part of her successful efforts raising funds for autism.”
I would like to thank you all for the ball party event, lovely music and interesting people. The best of the party was the fact we were having fun helping RL persons.
I am looking forward for meeting you all again soon. Thank you all for helping ASA and for sending me your nice pictures.
Please, feel free to leave a comment if you like.
Syngen Sohmers
Divine Spitteler
Cherie Parker
Simons Bleac
David Logan
Malachite Bing
Cork Rich
SL Edge
nemi McCoy
Shanen Hax
Ashland Carver
Haylee Jameson
Laila Schuman
Monica Balut
Shaft Solzhenitsyn
Vivienne Darcy
LiamL Darwin
Lyla Schmooz
Melinda Emms
Anna Avalanche
Brine5 Beck
Laura18 Streetre
Mimmi Boa
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Bid for a Model Charity Ball List
Below the list of models and partners date during the Charity Ball. The event is schedule for 8pm SLT at SLI Angels Club . Hope to see you all there. Have fun and great ball for everyone.
Model and Ball partner
Alexxx Perl = Kram Sadofsky
Angelique Ronmark = Ji Dallagio
Anna Avalanche = Kram Sadofsky
Arcanus Lane= Georgia Roberson
Asae Yuitza = Francis Magic
Ashland Carver = Kram Sadofsky
Brigette Auer = Betterman Macchi
Birne5 Beck = Bronsen Mornington
Bronsen Mornington = Tami Meredith
Buck Morane = Crysta Laville
Butterfli Sorbet = Fricker Fraker
Carisa Franizzi = Nathan Itano
Cassie Cazalet = Hawkeye Blitz
Cherie Parker = Boe Cortes
Crowie Beattie = Susana Rotaru
Crysta Laville = Buck Morane
Divine Spitteler = SL Edge
Eche Riverview = Susana Rotaru
Elaine Greene = Kram Sadofsky
Elise Mersereau = Kram Sadofsky
Elsibeth Littlething = Jody Huet
Erana Destiny = Kram Sadofsky
Fann Hyun = Jody Huet
Feur Rotaru = Inanna Enoch
Foster Meredith = Kathy Nikolaidis
Georgia Roberson = Scotj Criss
Haylee Jameson = Cash Vasser
JamesSheldon Whitfield = Madison Sullivan
Kate Stockholm = Kram Sadofsky
Kathy Nikolaidis = Foster Meredith
KCJ Nightfire = Cherrie Parker
Kryptonia Paperdoll = Jody Huet
Kylie Balogh = Francis Magic
Kylie Carfagno = Silver Jungsten
Kyrin Desmoulins = Kram Sadofsky
Laila Schuman = Jody Huet
laura18 streeter = Kram Sadofsky
Lile Bikcin = Simons Bleac
Lyla Schmooz = Maximum Parx
Madison Sullivan = Cash Vasser
Melinda Emms = Ted1 Kamachi
Mikaela Yifu = Kram Sadofsky
Mimmi Boa = Agtaope Carter
Monaka Harris = NigeAkicita Oto
Monica Balut = Kram Sadofsky
Neji Naidoo = Angel1 Wingtips
Nemi McCoy = Kram Sadofsky
Nitegirl Lollipop = Neiji Naidoo
Orkid Ochies = Jacob Goldrozen
Pixar Choche = Starbuck Twine
Rob Watts = Malachite Bing
Saffire Jaxxon = LiamL Darwin
Scotj Criss = Falisitee Fall
Shaft Solzhenitsyn = Falisitee Fall
Shanen Hax = David Logan
Simons Bleac = Melinda Emms
Sky Christensen = Cork Rich
Syngen Sohmers = Kram Sadofsky
Takeshi Kiama = Annette Wilder
Tanisha Whitfield = Ted1 Kamachi
Ted1Kamachi = Melinda Emms
Vivienne Darcy = Jody Huet
Windsong Charming = Sweetdoll Angel
Zane Bijoux = Windsong Charming
Zico Handrick = Melinda Emms
Sailing in Southern Caledon
I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that I love to sail. I do ! :) I captain a number of ships, and Miss Serra, Seneshelf of my home region of Winterfell has been so nice to appoint me Winterfell Admiral lately :)
One of the thing I love most being a Winterfellan is that Winterfell connects to other regions, Caledon in primis and this give me a huge area to explore and hours of sailing time.
After almost a year of sailing I still have not discovered all the beauty of this wonderful region.
Today I was taking my Morning Star in the Southern Caledon waters and I was stunned as I ended in Caledon Oxfordbridge. Such a beauty in the perfect reproduction of the buildings.
And the nearby sims are not to be neglected : Caledon Cymru, where an impressive fortress on the sea dominates the view and the waters between Greystoke and Glarmorgan where one of the most magnificent bridges I have seen in SL dominates the view
A region to visit and explore !
Sunday, August 31, 2008
It's Stitch by Stich time !!!!!!! by Lucille Morigi
Sevenstar Amat is the designer of a store called Stitch by Stitch and her work is simply amazing.
A true artist, she works with many kinds of textures and colours and the combination turns out to be excellent.
Latest news: she has decided to do a "Model of the Month" Contest for all whom are in her group. Not only models.
Sorry, the September Model has been chosen - and it's yours truly ( happy here :-)), but from October on, the contest restarts.
Like any other thing Sevenstar decides to do, even the way that the Model of the Month appears is absolutely creative and beautiful, almost poetic I must add.
She built a stage in which the pictures of the model wearing the outfit are shown in cutout figures.
Ok enough writing, let the pictures speak for themselves.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Bid for a Model Event -BID ANNA AVALANCHE
I post some days ago the bid for a model event.
I like to help charity events and wouldn’t be different with this great event. However I don’t use to advertise my help. It is not polite to make auto promotion with charity. But, this case is different. The event is an auction and to help I need to advertise as much as I can.
If you want to help ASA and have a nice time with me at the ball TP here and bid me! You will be helping a real life organization and have fun. There are also extraordinary models that need your bid. So don’t lose your time bid now. The auction ends on September 5.
The TP will take you to the front desk. To find my picture you will need to go to 138/5/26.
Remember your money will be returned if someone made a bid higher than you, The highest bidder gets to date the model.
Have fun and bid for a model
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Read Below:
SL Illustrated Bid for a Model Too Event
MAEVA Fashion Studio Contest
Haroldo George Gepp now on Anna Avalanche blog
Bossa Nova Club Cart Event
Riviera Couture