By Anna Avalanche, Gisa Miles and Luiz Speedwell
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The city of Bonito - means beautiful in Portuguese, but the word beautiful can’t describe this wonderful place - distance about one thousand kilometer away from São Paulo and a little bit more from Rio de Janeiro, is one the most complex and fascinating natural area of water leisure in the world. Despite its distance from the Brazilian major cities, Bonito has a very good hostelry and restaurants infrastructure.

A paradise at the south of Pantanal, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, with hundred of waterfalls, lakes and rivers of pristine water, over 80 caves dry and flooded, and endless species of fish and other wild animal that, all, can be reached without much trouble is a better definition for Bonito.

The visitors can see these wonders very closely in a tight contact with best Mother Nature can offer. Does it sound boring? No way! The amount and distribution of wild animals, as well as the surprising geography, guarantee a fantastic experience on each of the sites you visit.

It would be impossible to express and summarize all the good things you can do there. You must come in Bonito to feel it by yourself how it is scuba diving, light rafting, rappel, slide on small waterfalls, horse riding, caving, trekking, snorkel and, of course, taste the delicious regional food before or after all the fun and excite. All you have to do is pack your bags, pick the route and … have a lot of enjoyment!
Everybody who visits Bonito fall in love for the region. Many Hollywood personalities have already been there like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford and Richard Gere. Since the ninety’s Bonito is a celebrity “refuge”. Therefore if you come to visit “paradise” doesn’t be surprised if you find a celebrity.
Below we summarize some highlights attractions that will take your breath:

Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas) - A crack on the ground creates a vertical abyss, a real trip to the centre of the earth. The 72 meter rappel descent leads to a clear water lake the size of soccer field. The fun didn’t end yet! You can snorkelers and scuba dive 18 meters deep into the underwater cave complex. Even if you don’t want to dive there are many Speleothem, true sculptures produced by Nature in the dry part of the cavern to be enjoy. This is unforgettable beauty exciting “adventure”.

Buoys and kayak Cross (Travessia com Bóia e Caiaque ) - A thrilling adventure along the Formosinho river waterfalls, with more than 7 rapids to skirt over. It provides lot of fun for everyone.

Adventure and Formoso River Tour boat ( Aventura e Passeio de bote pelo Rio Formoso ) – The adventure start when you walk 1.700 meters trail in the middle of the bushes to Figueira Docks. From there starts the snorkeling descent of Formoso River, passing through small pristine waterfalls and exploring underwater holes. Furthermore at the same river, but in other point there is an 8 Km, waterfalls and rapids, trip on rubber boats. The visual is incurable and on the riverbanks you’ll see plenty of wildlife and birds.

Blue lake Grove (Gruta do Lago Azul) – One hundred meter deep in the ground there is a 90 meters profound lake of solid blue water. Sunbeams permeate the lake, producing a spectacle of rare beauty. Both the cavern`s roof and the bottom are replete with Speleology formations of different shapes and sizes. At the bottom of the cavern there is a surprise! The prehistoric skeletons of a giant ground sloth and a saber tooth tiger.

Saint Michel Grove (Gruta de São Miguel) - The way from the reception to the grove entrance is made through a suspended bridge among the trees where a variety of birds can be observed. The panoramic view is fabulous. In the grove, you can take a nice walk among many Speleothem including some beautiful and exclusive cave formations.
Bodoquena Ecological Park (Parque Ecoturistico da Bodoquena) - It is the only attraction run by an environmental non-profit organization. There are horse riding, canoeing, mountain-bike and trekking for all ages. You can stay in the park houses and participate in environmental education activities.
Baia Bonita Ecological Reserve - Natural Aquarium (Reserva ecológica Baía Bonita - Aquário Natural) - Baía Bonita offers a rare type of immersion, in waters as clear as they can be, through a 900 meter course. And there’s more! Trails cut into the rich and well preserved forest take to the point where three different rivers converge. Finally you can feel as a child where an elastic bed and a flying fox device are guarantees of pure fun.
Fish River (Rio do peixe) - A fascinating trekking at Água viva Farm, usually guided by the owner. The trail takes about 2 hours, passing through waterfalls, natural pools and little underwater groves. Rio do Peixe means River from the Fish and you will see how true it is. A lot of wild and beautiful fishes are seen when you swim at the lagoons and enjoying the waterfalls. You might even touch one as the fishes are not afraid of human.
Sucuri River (Rio Sucuri) - The name can sound threatening (Sucuri is huge Snake which can eat a calf), but floating down this river offers no risk. On the contrary, you’ll travel for two hours in the company of numerous species of wild life animals and fish. Children and adults from all over the world have enjoyed this unique attraction. You can also do an ecological ride horse or even a bike tour that is very pleasure and funny.

Mystery Lagoon (Lagoa Misteriosa) This place is located in Jardim a small city near Bonito. It is a lagoon of blue waters, amazing for its depth and water transparency all the year, its visibility is superior to 40 meters but you won’t see its floor. A spectacle of pure nature, lots of adrenaline and mystery. An unforgettable sensation of floating or scuba diving in the most profound and mysterious cave ever, no one has reach its bottom and the deeper a professionals diving got, about 220 meters, wasn’t enough to see its floor. Just fluctuate and contemplate the blue deep abyss and the vertical walls which reflect the streams of light will take your breath. It’s a unique place in the world. This is pure nature and lots of adrenaline feelings.
Come to visit Bonito if you want to have a lifetime adventure and after the fun and adventure try our suggestion dish, the piranha soup!
There is much more to see and visit. What are you waiting? Come to visit Bonito.
This article has been sponsored by AA Trade Company, Cleary (128,128,0)
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