Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Virtual adultery and Cyberspace Love?

This is a BBC documentary series about Second Life and Real Life. First, we meet Lee and Carolyn. They’re a married American couple, but only virtually. In reality, their marriage doesn’t mean a lot, as Carolyn has been online 14 hours a day for the past eight months with another man, while her husband looks after their young children.

We do get the nice side, too. The other main case study looks at Steve and Kristen, a British couple who started their relationship online, but consummated it in real life. And then got married, virtually, and later in reality, too. I bet even they get confused sometimes.

Well this is a very interesting documentary. You will be surprise!!! Don’t miss watching it. I would love to have comments about this.


Anonymous said...

Interesting documentary, funny and sad in parts, the guy who's wife was having an online SL affair deserves a medal. I have posted the full documentary in quality AVI format a while ago when it aired here in the UK if anyone is interested?

There is also another documentary about virtual business in SL, Philip makes a small appearance too. here's the link to the original post, the links are still working...


lucillemorigi said...

Unfortunately I could not see it all, only the firts 2 parts, but there is one thing that I can say: It's scary!
It could happen to anyone in sl that doesn't have a good self-esteem or that wants to escape from life.

Anonymous said...

I saw this documentary on tv, found it interesting too. Shows how SL can go good or bad. And how SL is really Real Life all together.